Frequently Asked Questions and What to expect


I have never sung in a choir before / I can't read music - can I still participate?

Absolutely, yes! Like any new skill, there is a learning curve, but I typically provide practice tracks you can practice with at home, and teach parts by ear and repetition, as well as providing sheet music. You're not required to practice between rehearsals, but it will help you learn more quickly, especially if you are new to singing.

You can also watch this short YouTube primer on reading a choral score to get started, and use this video to figure out if you are Soprano (higher voice) or Alto (lower voice).

Will I have to audition or sing solo in front of other people?

No, you will not be called on to sing solo (unless you have volunteered) and there is no audition to join the choir. 

There are sometimes opportunities for solo performers in our concerts. If you are interested please reach out to Mary - you may be asked to audition or submit a recording.

Can I come to a rehearsal and try it out before I register?

Yes, you are welcome to come and sing or observe the first rehearsal! Please contact our Choir Leader, Mary to make arrangements.

Do I have to perform? 

Not necessarily. Our choir is more focussed on the process of learning and singing together than on performance, but performances are a fun way to share what we've learned with friends and family. Most choristers enjoy the experience. If the thought of performing with us makes you very anxious, you are not obligated to participate. Please let Mary know if you will not be performing, since the number of performers can affect our placement and balance.

Even if you opt out of performing, we encourage you to attend  performances and support the choir as an audience member!

What if I can't afford the choir fees?

We strive to be accessible to everyone, regardless of means, and we encourage members who are able to contribute to our support fund. If you require fee support, please indicate this on your registration form and we will notify you a couple of weeks before rehearsals to let you know if we can accommodate you.


What should I bring to rehearsal?

What about COVID / Health & Safety protocols?

If you have any symptoms of illness at all, please DO NOT come to choir. In accordance with current guidelines, we are not mandating masks or checking vaccine records at this time. You are welcome to wear a mask if it helps you feel more comfortable at rehearsals and performances. We encourage members to wash/sanitize their hands before entering the rehearsal/performance space.

I have mobility issues - will this be a problem?

Again our goal is accessibility for all! Mimico Baptist Church has a ground level entrance and an elevator to the 2nd floor sanctuary where we rehearse. If standing is an issue you are welcome to use a stool for performances and sit during rehearsals. Please contact Mary if you need any accommodations  and we'll work it out!

What does "Scent Free" mean?

We have members with sensitivities to scented products - not only perfume and cologne, but strongly scented deodorant, laundry detergent, shampoo, hairspray etc. Please avoid wearing noticeably scented products to choir rehearsals and performances, and consider airing out your concert wear in case it carries scents that you may have worn for previous functions. 

What if I have to miss a rehearsal?

Please contact our Choir Leader, Mary, to let her know if you'll be missing a rehearsal. You are encouraged to use the practice tracks to listen and/or sing on your own if you have to miss rehearsal. More than one missed rehearsal in a session might mean you will not be prepared to perform with us.

Can I use my tablet or iPad for sheet music?

Yes, if you want to! Most of our vocal scores are provided in both paper copy and pdf download. Links to both practice tracks and pdf scores are sent out with the welcome email before rehearsals begin. Occasionally if there is one that is only paper copy, you can use Camscanner or a similar app to load it into your device.

Obviously, it is your responsibility to make sure your music is loaded up, your device is charged, and is set to silent / do not disturb / notifications off during rehearsal / performance.